10 issues found.
Venice Declaration (1980)
A declaration made by the heads of state and ministers of foreign affairs of the nine member states of the European Community, forerunner of the European Union, in Venice, Italy, on 13 June 1980. -
Moratinos "Non-Paper" on the Taba Talks (2001)
Demilitarized Palestinian State Early Warning Stations East Jerusalem European Union Gaza Strip Gaza Strip-West Bank Corridor Historical Basin Holy Sites Jordan Valley Moratinos, Miguel Angel (1951-) Refugee Compensation Resettlement Settlement Blocs Temple Mount/Al-Haram al-Sharif UNRWA West BankA non-paper, or unofficial report, prepared by Spanish diplomat Miguel Angel Moratinos, EU Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process, published on 27 January 2001. -
Road Map for Peace (2003)
European Union Incitement Israeli Settlement Outposts Middle East Quartet Palestinian Elections Provisional Borders Russian Federation Settlement Freeze United StatesA plan introduced by the Middle East Quartet (US, Russia, EU and UN), based on a document prepared by the US Department of State, whose final text was published on 30 April 2003. -
Conclusions of the EU Foreign Affairs Council on the Middle East Peace Process (2009)
East Jerusalem European Union Gaza Strip Green Line/(Pre-)1967 Lines Middle East Quartet Settlement Freeze Two-State Solution UNRWA West BankConclusions adopted by the European Union Foreign Affairs Council regarding the Middle East peace process in Brussels, Belgium, on 8 December 2009. -
Quartet Statement (March 2010)
Ban Ki-moon (1944-) Blair, Anthony C.L. (1953-) Clinton, Hillary R. (1947-) East Jerusalem European Union Gaza Strip Holy Sites Incitement Middle East Quartet Mitchell, George J. (1933-) Russian Federation Settlement Freeze Shalit, Gilad (1986-) Two-State Solution United States West BankA statement published by the Middle East Quartet on 23 September 2011 in New York, NY, following a meeting of its leaders: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Special Envoy George Mitchell, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Quartet Representative Tony Blair. -
Op-ed by French, Italian and Spanish FMs Regarding the Gaza Flotilla (2010)
An op-ed co-authored by Franco Frattini, Bernand Kouchner and Miguel Angel Moratinos, Foreign Ministers of Italy, France, and Spain respectively, published on Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera on 11 June 2010. -
Quartet Statement (September 2011)
Ban Ki-moon (1944-) Blair, Anthony C.L. (1953-) Clinton, Hillary R. (1947-) European Union Middle East Quartet Russian Federation United StatesA statement published by the Middle East Quartet on 23 September 2011 in New York, NY, following a meeting of its leaders: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Quartet Representative Tony Blair. -
EU Demarche to Israel on West Bank and East Jerusalem Activities (2014)
E1 Area East Jerusalem European Union Jordan Valley Temple Mount/Al-Haram al-Sharif Two-State Solution West BankA demarche, or diplomatic communication, authored by European Union officials and transmitted to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Security Council, exposed on Israeli newspaper Haaretz’s website on 22 October 2014. -
EU Parliament Resolution on Recognizing Palestine (2014)
A resolution adopted by the European Parliament, the legislative body of the European Union, on 17 December 2014, by a vote of 498 to 88. -
Belgian Chamber of Representatives Resolution on Recognizing Palestine (2015)
A resolution adopted by the Chamber of Representatives, the lower house of the Belgian Parliament, by a vote of 75-52, on 5 February 2015.