4 issues found.
Sher-Sagi Plan (2002)
A draft plan for a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank, with the goal of determining the final borders of the country independently of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. -
Sharon Plan (1977)
Dayan, Moshe (1915-1981) Jordan Valley Milestones Settlement Plans Sharon, Ariel (1928-2014) West BankA plan put forth by Israeli Agriculture Minister and former general Ariel Sharon, and approved by the Government of Israel on 2 October 1977, for a major extension of Jewish settlement in the West Bank. -
The Geneva Initiative - Jerusalem (2003–2009)
Border Regime Historical Basin Holy Sites International Force JVT/IVG Palestinian Police/Security Force Temple Mount/Al-Haram al-Sharif Unofficial Bilateral InitiativesElements pertaining to Jerusalem in the Geneva Initiative, an unofficial draft proposal for a permanent status agreement resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. -
Israeli Opposition Leader Isaac Herzog's Plan (2013)
Demilitarized Palestinian State Green Line/(Pre-)1967 Lines Historical Basin Incitement Jordan Valley Settlement Blocs Settlement Freeze Unilateral Initiatives: Jewish/Israeli West Bank Separation BarrierA peace plan presented by Israeli Opposition Leader Isaac Herzog in 2013.