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United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 43/175,176,177 (1988)

A set of three resolutions concerning the question of Palestine adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 15 December 1988. The first concerned the work of United Nations organs devoted to the Palestinian cause. The second that an international peace conference be convened to discuss the Arab-Israeli conflict, eventually leading to the 1991 Madrid Conference. It also reaffirmed the following principles for a comprehensive settlement to the Arab-Israeli conflict: a full Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied during the 1967 Six Day War and the dismantling of Israeli settlements in these territories; arrangement for the security of all states in the region, including the two states envisioned in Resolution 181; a solution to the Palestinian refugee problem in accordance with Resolution 194; and guaranteed freedom of access to holy sites. The third acknowledged the Palestinian Declaration of Independence and changed the designation of the PLO in the United Nations to "Palestine".