United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 - Partition Plan (1947)
A resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 29 November 1947 by a vote of 33 For (including the United States and the Soviet Union), 13 Against, 10 Abstaining (including Britain), 1 Absent. The resolution adopted the Partition Plan for Palestine, as proposed by Ad Hoc Sub-Committee 1, revising the majority proposal contained in the UNSCOP Report. It divided Palestine into seven cantons, constituting a Jewish state, an Arab state and an internationally-administered corpus separatum in Jerusalem, forming an economic union between them. The resolution was accepted by the mainstream Jewish leadership, but rejected by the Arab leadership, leading to the 1948 War. Upon termination of the Mandate for Palestine on 15 May 1948, the Jewish leadership declared the independence of Israel, viewing it as the Jewish state envisioned in the resolution.
Media Items
- UN General Assembly Resolution 181 - English Text and Maps
- UNSCOP Majority Proposal Compared to UNGA Res. 181 - Map - Hebrew (1947)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 181 - Photo 2
- Proposed Boundaries of Jerusalem Under the Partition Plan (UNGA Res. 181) (1947)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 181 - Photo 1
- UN General Assembly Resolution 181 - Hebrew Text
- UN General Assembly Resolution 181 - Map 1