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CCP Draft Instrument for a Permanent International Regime for the Jerusalem Area

A document prepared by the Conciliation Commission for Palestine (CCP) and submitted to the United Nations Secterary-General on 1 September 1949. The document outlined the CCP's proposal for a "permanent international regime for the Jerusalem area", prepared in accordance with UNGA Resolution 194, adopted in the wake of the 1948 War. The proposal was designed to be flexible enough to apply for any future territorial statement in Palestine. It suggested the partition of the Jerusalem area into two zones, Jewish and Arab, with each containing a separate municipal administration. A UN-appointed Commissioner, aided by a General Council with equal representation for each zone, would be charged with maintaining access to holy places, "permanent demilitarization and neutralization" of the area, and preservation of human rights. The General Council would be charged with coordinating efforts on issues common to both zones, such as public order and general expenditures. A tribunal system would settle both disagreements between the two administrations and cases involving residents from both zones. The plan was never implemented, and Jerusalem remained divided de facto between Israel and Jordan, in line with the armistice agreement between them, until the 1967 Six Day War.