Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement (1949)
An armistice agreement concluding the 1948 War between Israel and Jordan, signed in Rhodes, Greece, on 3 April 1949. It left a large portion of the territory west of the Jordan River, consequently known as the West Bank, under Jordanian control, with Jordanian forces taking over certain positions from Iraqi forces. Part of the armistice line, separating the West Bank from Israeli territory and bisecting the city of Jerusalem, came to be known as the Green Line. Around Latrun, west of Jerusalem, as well as in small areas inside the city, a no man’s land was established. The rest of the armistice line followed the 1922 border between Palestine and Transjordan. The total length of the armistice line was 637km, of which 330km constitute the border between Israel and the West Bank. Jordan officially annexed the West Bank in 1950, a move that was only recognized by Britain and Pakistan. Israel took control of the West Bank as a result of the 1967 Six Day War, and in 1988 Jordan waived all claims to the territory.
Media Items
- Arab Localities Transferred to Israel in the Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement - English (1949)
- The Armistice Agreement between Jordan and Israel - Little Triangle - Map - Hebrew
- Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement - Original Green Line Map - English (1949)
- Arab Localities Transferred to Israel in the Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement (1949) - Hebrew
- The Armistice Agreement between Jordan and Israel - English Text
- Israel-Jordan Armistice 1949 Map - Jerusalem
- The Armistice Agreement between Jordan and Israel - Hebrew Text